AI and training - Académie de l'air et de l'Espace
The Académie de l'air et de l'Espace, in conjunction with Universcience, invites you to its next Paris Region conference: " AI and training: from university to the professional world ". It will take place at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie de la Villette: Thursday, January 30, 2025, at 2:30pm. Admission is free and no reservation is required.
In the first part, Laurent SIMON, Professor at Bordeaux INP, holder of the Chaire IA Digne de Confiance and Director of the ENSEIRB-MATMECA computer science department, will talk about " The use of AI in initial studies ". The second part will be given by Juliette MATTIOLI, Expert Fellow in AI, at Thalès, to round off with " AI in business ". A discussion will round off this double conference.