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Which Marine for the future?

Groupe Défense des Ingénieurs Arts et Métiers is pleased to invite you to their next conference.

The 2019-2025 military programming law marks the first time in decades that the French armed forces have stepped up their capabilities in the face of a rapidly changing and increasingly tough strategic environment. This renewal of naval capabilities (multi-mission frigates, defense and intervention frigates, Barracuda submarines, renovated Atlantique 2, fleet replenishment ship, 3rd generation SNLE, anti-missile system, etc.) will be a key factor in the future.generation SSBNs, the future anti-mine warfare system, etc.) would be nothing without the sailors who operate these upgraded resources, many of whom live on board, far away, for long periods and as part of a crew. Captain Emmanuel Slaars will introduce us to this working navy, deployed on all the world's seas, far from ports, supported by its bases, in the concrete service of France's interests.

Speaker(s) :

128 CH 90, CV Emmanuel Slaars put down his sailor's bag after 17 years of service at sea. He is now in charge of preparing for the future at the Naval Staff.

Prices are €15 for the conference+cocktail and €50 for conference+cocktail+dinner.

For further information and registration:
Monday 5th October 2020
19h00 - 21h00 (GMT +2)
Maison des Arts et Métiers
9 bis avenue d’Iéna
75016 Paris

Maison des Arts et Métiers

9 bis avenue d’Iéna
75016 Paris

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Monday 5th October 2020
19h00 - 21h00 (GMT +2)
Maison des Arts et Métiers
9 bis avenue d’Iéna
75016 Paris
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