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A unifying student/alumni dinner on the theme of Space

09 February 2024 Article
Viewed 379 times

A resounding success for the January 24, 2024 student/alumni dinner!

Continuing the tradition of student-alumni themed dinners, the theme of space brought together 32 students from all courses (Engineering, Engineering through Apprenticeship, Masters and Doctoral students) around 8 alumni ranging from the class of 1971 to the class of 2023, representative of the diversity of career paths; indeed, among these 8 alumni, 2 of whom were retired, were former company directors, engineers working for major groups and a NewSpace representative who had created a start-up.

Topics covered ranged from French, European and global space policy, to the job description of a "space" engineer, not forgetting the technical side.

The event was a complete success, with the last discussions ending around midnight.

This success encourages us to continue this action with 2 thematic student-Alumni dinners per year.

Jean-Louis Marcé (S1971), for the Toulouse Group

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