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Ingénieuses 2024: launch of the competition

08 February 2024 Article
Viewed 343 times

The Conférence des directeurs des écoles françaises d'ingénieurs (CDEFI) is pleased to announce the launch of the 14th edition of theIngénieuses operation, which will reward engineering schools, student engineers and women engineers committed to gender equality and diversity in engineering training and careers.

Try to win one of the two 2024 Woman Engineer Awards!

Valued at €500 each, the prizes will be awarded to two working women engineers, whatever their age or experience, with inspiring personal, academic and professional backgrounds, who are likely to become ambassadors for the engineering profession among young girls.

New for 2024

This year, candidates for the Women Engineers Awards will automatically be eligible for the new €500 Women in Digital Technology Award , created in partnership with the Inria Foundation to highlight the remarkable career of a female student engineer or engineer in the digital field.

To find out more about the competition, click here.

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