Network and support
The Institute and its partners
- ISAE-SUPAERO (Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, High Institute)- ISAE-SUPAERO results from the merger of SUPAERO and ENSICA)
- ISAE ENSMA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d'Aérotechnique - mechanical and aero-technical engineering school), - member of the ISAE Group)
- ENAC (Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile) - ENAC forms with ISAE and ISAE-ENSMA the Groupe des Ecoles Aéronautiques (GEA)
- ECATA (International training program for promising young engineers, scientists and researchers)
- EUROSAE (subsidiary of SAE - Société des Amis de l’ISAE et de l’ENSTA, ISAE-SUPAERO, and ENSTA ParisTech for Executive Education)
- FONDATION ISAE-SUPARO (nonprofit organization and public-benefit foundation since 2008, the fund aims to spread the Institute at both national and international levelso)
- HEC (since June 2011 HEC, ISAE- SUPAERO and SAFRAN have a common Chair for Management of innovative programs applied to the aerospace sector
- )
- PEGASUS (The PEGASUS network (Partnership of a European Group of Aeronautics and Space Universities) is made up of the best European Grandes Écoles and Universities which provide education in the aerospace field)
- TIME (Top Industrial Managers for Europe - the TIME network today brings together 42 of the best European higher education institutions; ISAE is a member through the SUPAERO syllabus)
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Our privileged links
- AAAF (Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France)
- AEROMORNING ("The independent aerospace insight" The bilingual French / English aeronautical and space portal All aeronautical and space information and news: Pierre Sparaco chronicles, aeronautical who's who, directory of suppliers, manufacturers and aeronautical services, files, forum free, agenda ...)
- IESF (Ingénieurs Et Scientifiques de France)
- GPAEAM (Professional Aeronautics and Space Arts & Crafts Group)
- G16 + (Career Club of the Grandes Ecoles)
- Société des Amis du Louvre (preferential rate for paying members of our Association)
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Friendly Alumni Associations
- Arts et Métiers ParisTech (Arts et Métiers)
- AGRO ParisTech (National Agronomic Institute)
- M. Lyon (Lyon Management School, formerSup de Co Lyon)
- ECP (Centrale Paris)
- EDHEC (*Higher Commercial Education)
- ENA (National School for Business Administration)
- ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure rue d'Ulm)
- ENSAE ParisTech (National School of Statistics and Economic Administration)
- ENSTA ParisTech (National School of Advanced Techniques and Maritime Engineering)
- ESCP Europe (Paris Business School and EAP)
- ESSEC (Higher School of Economic and Commercial Sciences)
- ESTP (Higher School of Civil Works)
- HARVARD Business School (Club France)
- HEC (Higher Commercial Studies)
- IAE Paris (Institute of Business Administration)
- ENAC Alumni (Association of Former Students of the National School of Civil Aviation)
- INSEAD (European Institute of Business Administration)
- MINES ParisTech (Schools of Paris, Nancy and St Etienne)
- NAVALE (Naval School)
- PONTS ParisTech (National School of Bridges and Roads)
- SCIENCES PO (Paris Institute of Political Studies)
- SUPELEC (Higher School of Electricity)
- TELECOM ParisTech (National School of Telecommunications)
- X (AX, Association of e Ecole Polytechnique Alumni)
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Foreign schools and universities
The Wharton University
MIT (Massachussets Institute of Technology)
ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazilian aeronautical engineering school, linked to the Aeronautics Command and located in São José dos Campos, in the State of São Paulo)
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